Tag: RumourS - Page 15

  • Rumour Cherry And Mango Wii U Colours Outed By Toys R Us France

    Due in November and December respectively

    Toys R Us France has listed two new colours of the Wii U console: Cherry and Mango. The listings state that the Cherry console will launch on November 27th at €299.99 while the Mango hue is expected on December 4th fo €50 less. The price difference suggests that the Cherry bundle will include elements...

  • Rumour New Pokémon Game In Development, Focusing On Pikachu


    According to Japanese website NHK, The Pokémon Company is currently developing a brand new Pokémon title which focuses on Pikachu. The title is said to have started development during the summer. President and CEO of the company, Tsunekazu Ishihara, is set to appear on Japanese TV on 28th October, with the existence of a new game in...

  • Rumour Wii U New Super Mario Bros. and New Super Luigi U Hardware Bundle Sighted

    Wii Fit U listed for November, too

    It's Wii U bundle rumour time, everyone! We all like juicy speculation based on retailers either breaking an embargo or making products up, and courtesy of Twitter user Oisin1001 more information on potential Wii U releases has been spilled; both are reportedly from a Smyth's Toys catalogue, which is a retailer in...

  • Rumour Nintendo Set To Rename The Wii U Facebook Page

    It'll soon be known as "Nintendo Console Gaming"

    Earlier today we reported that the 3DS Facebook page would be getting a name change after several people received emails from the social network telling them that from 19th September it would be known as "Nintendo Handheld Gaming". Well, it appears Nintendo has also decided to go down the same route...

  • Rumour Nintendo Renaming The 3DS Page On Facebook

    "Nintendo Handheld Gaming" looks set to replace it on 19th September

    Nintendo is renaming the Nintendo 3DS Facebook page, according to an email sent from the social network to a selection of people who like the page. When Facebook pages change their names, an email is sent out by the social network to inform people of the change. Nintendo hasn't...

  • Rumour Ubisoft Press Day Leak Reveals Rabbids, Rayman and More Assassin's Creed

    Surely "Assassin's Creed: Pirates" isn't a thing...

    We do enjoy the occasional juicy rumour here at Nintendo Life, especially when it involves unannounced games. Remember when rumours spread that the latest Assassin's Creed title would feature pirates? Oh how we chuckled... Of course, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag will undoubtedly tackle its...

  • Rumour Potential Wii U Pokémon Title Could be a Fighting Game Called Pokkén Fighters

    Or Pokkén Tournament, depending on trademark usage

    During the recent Pokémon Game Show in Tokyo, a short video concluded with an image that sparked rumours of an upcoming Wii U game, as Mega Lucario and Mega Blaziken were shown facing off in what certainly looked like a sharp 3D graphical engine not beyond the realms of the Wii U. While The...

  • News Pokémon: The Origin Anime Announced, Mystery Clip Also Sparks Wii U Game Rumours

    One-off special will be based on the original games

    A new one-off Pokémon anime is on the way to coincide with the release of Pokémon X & Y. It's called Pokémon: The Origin and is based on the original Japanese games, Pokémon Red & Green, which later became Red & Blue internationally. The show will centre around new Pokémon trainer...

  • Rumour Nintendo Planning a Wind Waker HD Hardware Bundle

    Pokémon X & Y 3DS XL bundles, too

    So, let's all get some salt to hand. Ready? According to a cheeky rumour-merchant that claims to have access to the inventory system at a "major system retailer" in the U.S., Nintendo is planning a Wii U hardware bundle with The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, as well as red and blue 3DS XL bundles with...

  • Rumour Attack of the Friday Monsters Breaching North American Shores Next Week

    There goes the neighbourhood

    We're not really sure where giant kaiju come from, perhaps they emerge from the depths or fly down from space, either way the North American eShop has listed Level 5’s Attack of the Friday Monsters: A Tokyo Tale for arrival on 18th July. The third and final game of the Guild 02 series is currently priced in the eShop...

  • Rumour Metroid Blasting Onto The Wii U Virtual Console Next Week

    Samus' first adventure gets listed on Nintendo's website

    Super Metroid was made available to Wii U owners for a measly 30c/30p earlier in the year as part of the Famicom 30th Anniversary celebrations and many people snapped it up straight away. The Super Nintendo classic was the home console successor to the popular NES title Metroid, which looks...

  • Rumour Mario Kart 8 Coming To Wii U in April

    Spanish newsletter may have jumped the gun

    During the special E3 Nintendo Direct we caught our first glimpse of Mario Kart 8 and it was revealed the game would be available in Spring 2014. There's been no specific date or month given for its release, however, a newsletter from Nintendo of Europe - which can be seen below - has seemingly let the cat...

  • Rumour Best Buy Beginning Return of Wii U Basic Models Before E3

    Time to say goodbye to the 8GB system?

    Earlier this week we reported on a rumour that GameStop will be returning Wii U Basic systems as part of a product recall by Nintendo. It's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility as the SKU has seemed to struggle, while a 32GB White Wii U is coming to Japan; if we were to don our guessing hats we'd...

  • Rumour Nintendo Is Recalling Wii U Basic Bundle

    Could we see a new bundle appear after E3?

    A company-wide email is apparently being distributed by GameStop which indicates that the retailer is withdrawing the Wii U Basic bundle from sale. The email — which has since made its way into the hands of Kotaku — states: Nintendo Wii U Basic Recall – Two Week Preparation On Tuesday, 6/18, all...

  • Rumour Retro's Wii U Title Is An Entirely New IP

    IGN starts the hype

    Retro Studios is one of Nintendo's most valuable assets right now, having delivered smash hits in the form of the Metroid Prime Trilogy and Donkey Kong Country Returns. We all know that the company is working on something for the Wii U, and we'll no doubt see what that is at this year's E3. However, no one seems to know exactly...

  • News EarthBound Listing Materializes on Amazon UK

    You cannot grasp the true form of Amazon’s listing

    We already know that the kooky SNES RPG EarthBound is making its long overdue appearance on the Wii U Virtual Console in Europe and North America sometime this year. Then what’s up with this odd listing for the game on Amazon UK? It may just be a placeholder for a download code, but the £44.99...

  • Rumour Wii U Sold Less Than 40,000 Units In North America In April

    Leaked NPD numbers suggest console has been outsold by the original Wii

    If you're not keen on negative news regarding Nintendo's current commercial fortunes, look away now. Leaked NPD figures suggest that the Wii U sold around 38,000 units in North America in April. Although it shouldn't be taken as official, the numbers appear to be accurate;...

  • Rumour Deadpool Could Be Heading To Wii U

    Amazon.ca lists the game for a Wii U release

    Activision could be set to release Deadpool in June for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The publisher has never mentioned a Wii U version but it appears there may well be one on the cards in the future as online retailer Amazon.ca has listed the game for Nintendo's system. Wii U has seen some support...

  • Rumour The Recent Wii U System Update Has Boosted Clock Speeds

    CPU and GPU both got a bump, according to uncredited source

    Everyone loves a good rumour, right? Well this one is a doozy, so grab as much salt as you can before reading. According to a poster on TV Tropes — who doesn't give a source — the recent Wii U system update has upped the clock speed of both the CPU and GPU: The CPU and GPU are built...

  • Rumour Nintendo Planning a 3D Mario Release on Wii U Before October

    Operation Wii U Revival, perhaps?

    As Nintendo has made clear both in its Wii U Direct earlier in the year and in recent notes to investors, the second half of 2013 will see a major, sustained effort to kick-start a Wii U resurgence. We have a number of known releases that are set to grace the system in the Fall period, such as Pikmin 3 and The...

  • Rumour Next Sonic Game Will Go Back To His Roots, Is Coming To Wii U And 3DS

    Revisiting the classic 16-bit era?

    It's pretty obvious that Sega is working on a new Sonic game — the company's mascot is a big draw capable of selling thousands of units. This year's offering is still under wraps, but details are continuing to leak onto the web. According to a source cited on NeoGAF, the next Sonic game will be more akin to the...

  • Rumour GTA V Has Been Tested On Wii U Dev Kits For Some Time

    Take this news lightly

    Rumours have been circulating the internet for quite some time now when it comes to Rockstar's hotly anticipated Grand Theft Auto V potentially seeing a release on the Wii U; when a new one pops up, we have a bucket full of salt at the ready. Let's take a small trip back to last September, when Swedish retailer CDON listed...

  • Rumour Call Of Duty: Ghosts Will Be Spooking Wii U This Year

    Spanish retailer gives Nintendo fans renewed hope

    Activision is close to announcing this year's Call of Duty entry, but we've already seen a couple of retailers leak information related to the title. Call of Duty: Ghosts apparently uses a new game engine and is expected to hit multiple platforms — one of which should be the Wii U, if a listing by...

  • Rumour New Call of Duty Title To Be Revealed Next Week

    Promotional material suggests 1st May will be the day

    Call of Duty: Black Ops II was revealed last year on 1st May during the NBA playoffs and it appears the next iteration in the Call of Duty franchise may well be announced at around the same time this year. Nothing has been revealed yet, although recent retailer listings and a few leaks on...

  • Rumour SpeedX 3D Sequel Driving Its Way to 3DS

    Going into hyper speed

    While we wouldn't say there's been a full-on invasion, we've seen some successful and — in various cases — high quality smartphone games making their way to the 3DS eShop. The trend is arguably a flattering one for Nintendo's platform, as some of the stronger iOS and Android titles out there are brought to the handheld...

  • Rumour Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Remake Trademarked in Japan

    We'd bet it's for 3DS

    One recent sales success for Square Enix on 3DS, in Japan in any case, was Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3D, a re-make of 1998 Game Boy Color title Dragon Warrior Monsters. Any thought of the title coming West, however, has somewhat faded with each passing month. Still, the Japanese sales of that remake appear to...

  • Rumour Batman: Arkham Origins to Include Multiplayer Mode

    Play as your favourite villain

    Kotaku has reported that Batman: Arkham Origins, which is coming to the Wii U later this year, will include a multiplayer mode. The unconfirmed report states that players will step into the shoes of classic Batman villains and try to take town Batman and Robin. If the rumour is to be believed, Origins would be the...

  • Rumour Take-Two To Reveal Next-Gen Versions of Grand Theft Auto V At Investor Call

    Handful of salt at the ready

    After a brief delay Grand Theft Auto V is down for a 17th September release on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and Rockstar, the game's developer, has not commented on it ever emerging on the next generation of consoles. Rumours have always been rife that Grand Theft Auto V will eventually become available for Wii U,...

  • Rumour Wii U System Update Could Go Live Tomorrow

    Virtual Console looks set to open on Tuesday

    The Wii U Virtual Console is scheduled to launch a day after the upcoming system update, which is set to go live at some point this week. Nintendo didn't give any specific date for the update, but it appears that it could be up and running as soon as Monday as the official website has already started...

  • Rumour Majora's Mask 3D Listed for November Release by Retailer

    This rumour's had some smelling salts applied

    It's the day before a 3DS-themed Nintendo Direct, so that means it's time for more rumours of a 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. This has been speculated upon since The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D graced the handheld, with Nintendo even hinting way back in summer 2011 that fan...

  • Rumour Crash City Mayhem Set To Speed Across North America Next Month?

    Majesco said to be publishing the title

    According to gaming website, GameFly, Crash City Mayhem is set to release in North America on the 14th May. Nintendo Everything came across the listing on the site, along with the boxart suggesting that Majesco will be bringing the game to the US. The publisher is yet to confirm this bit of information, but...

  • Rumour Ni no Kuni Could Yet See A Western Release, According To Publisher Namco Bandai

    DS role-player could find a new lease of life on the 3DS

    You might be familar with Level-5 and Studio Ghibli collaboration Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch from its recent release on the PlayStation 3, but the origin of the series actually stretches back to a Nintendo DS game, released in Japan in 2010. Ni no Kuni: The Jet-black Mage shares the...

  • Rumour Criterion Is Rebooting Need For Speed: Underground

    Updated: Criterion's creative director shoots down rumours

    UPDATE: Criterion's Alex Ward has tweeted in response to these rumours: [tweet 322632944776802304] So that's that, then. ORIGINAL STORY: We've already reported on the fact that Criterion is working on a new project, and if a fresh rumour is to be believed, we could now have a name for...

  • Rumour 3DS Owners Noticing Software Performance Improvements Since Update

    Certain games running smoother?

    OK, grab a pinch of salt for this one, because it's taken straight from the box marked "Rumour". According to some posters over at NeoGAF, the recent 3DS firmware update has delivered some unexpected benefits: namely better performance in certain games. Rayman 3D, Sonic Gene

  • News GameFly Slaps June 30th Release Date On Game & Wario In North America

    Retailer outs possible launch day for Wii U title

    Online retailer GameFly has given Game & Wario a June 30th release date in North America — ahead of any official confirmation from Nintendo itself. The Wii U game was released in Japan at the end of March, and is the next entry in the popular WarioWare series, which started on the Game Boy...

  • Rumour Dr Kawashima's 3DS Prescription Delayed Until September In Europe

    Devilish Brain Training now listed as "TBC" on Nintendo's site

    Dr Kawashima’s Devilish Brain Training — known as Brain Age: Concentration Training in North America — was supposed to launch in Europe on April 12th. We've heard very little about the game in the past few weeks, and the official page for the title now has its release date listed...

  • Rumour Suda51 Set To Revisit No More Heroes

    Grasshopper Manufacture teases its next project

    Grasshopper Manufacture has been hard at work developing Killer is Dead, which will be released later this year on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. That hasn't stopped the studio's CEO Goichi Suda - more commonly known as Suda51 - from teasing his next game, though. In an interview with Famitsu, the...

  • Rumour Vigil Co-founder Interested In Buying Darksiders IP

    Will the horsemen ride again?

    When THQ bit the dust a while back, Vigil Games was one of the companies which didn't get purchased. This seemed to spell the end of the popular Darksiders franchise. However, hope is not lost. It would appear that Crytek USA CEO David Adams has expressed an interest in purchasing the IP he and many members of his...

  • News Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut Leaked By Amazon

    Amazon spills details ahead of rumoured PAX East announcment

    At the start of the month we reported on the rumour that a modified version of Square Enix's Deus Ex: Human Revolution was coming to the Wii U. That rumour has now been given additional weight by the editor of a German website, who has claimed on a podcast that he's seen the game —...

  • Rumour Capcom Developing New Strider Title For Digital Services

    Could Strider Hiryu be coming to the Wii U eShop?

    Capcom's Strider is one of the seminal arcade titles of the '80s, thanks to its balletic gameplay, amazing visuals and fantastic setting. Given the amazing potential of the premise (who doesn't want to be a futuristic ninja?), it's surprising that Capcom hasn't done more to exploit the character over...

  • Rumour EA Looking into Taking on More Sports Franchises

    It's most likely UFC, though

    Publishing behemoth Electronic Arts certainly has a fair amount of sports franchises under its belt. It seems the company hasn't reached the last notch just yet though, as chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen has suggested it could take on a couple more franchises. During the recent Wedbush Technology Conference,...

  • Rumour Assassin's Creed IV Due This Year, Features Pirates

    Ooh-arrr, and so on

    It's rumoured release time again, just as today threatened to pass without any new additions. This time around it's an all new entry in the Assassin's Creed series, which will apparently be called Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, moving beyond all of that silly non-numbered spin-off business. It's apparently due this fiscal year,...

  • Rumour Rayman Creator To Part Company With Ubisoft

    Michel Ancel to leave publisher after Rayman Legends is released?

    Ubisoft's decision to hold back the Wii U version of Rayman Legends to facilitate a multi-platform launch has caused quite a bit of ill-feeling, but if this latest rumour is to be believed, it could end up costing the French publisher one of its most talented staffers. French site

  • Rumour Aliens: Colonial Marines Tester Says Wii U Version Is "The Worst"

    "It is a bit of a joke"

    One of the worst things about the internet is that people can post things with very little proof and others will gleefully report it as fact. So please, as you read and digest the following item of news, be aware that we're treating it as a rumour for the time being. A Reddit poster by the name of “soetester” (Sega of...

  • Rumour Ubisoft's Watch Dogs Is Coming To The Wii U

    It's coming to "all home consoles", apparently

    Ubisoft's Watch Dogs was one of the surprises of last year's E3 event, showcasing cutting-edge gameplay based around the control of information. The open world action title is based around hacking and surveillance, and features some amazing visuals — leading many to predict that it would be a next-gen...

  • Rumour Next Sonic Game Will Be Called Sonic Adventure 3

    Trilogy talk?

    Cast your mind back a few weeks and you'll recall that we reported on a rumour relating to the next Sonic the Hedgehog title. According to an inside source, the game is currently in development for a wide range of platforms - including the Wii U and 3DS - and is expected later this year. Another little rumour has surfaced recently...

  • Rumour Scribblenauts Unlimited Was Recalled From European Retailers

    Nintendo asks stores to withdraw the game from stock

    Yesterday's bombshell news that Scribblenauts Unlimited has been delayed in Europe didn't exactly go down well with fans. The game has been available in North America since late last year, and with both the Wii U and 3DS in dire need of fresh titles, it's a real shame that we've got to wait a...

  • Rumour Skylanders 3 On The Cards in New York?

    Big announcement incoming?

    After a rather impressive outing with Skylanders Giants on the Wii U, not to mention pretty solid version on the 3DS, Nintendo owners would do well to turn their eyes towards the next iteration of Activision’s profitable family game. You see, Activision has used the New York Toy Fair to announce each Skylanders game,...

  • Rumour Sniper Elite V2 Coming To Wii U March 21st

    Taking aim

    It would seem that World War II sniping simulation Sniper Elite V2 is making its way to the Wii U. US store GameStop has listed the game on its site, as has Amazon US. Amazon even goes as far as to list the release date as March 21st - clearly the retailer knows something that we don't.

  • Rumour Has Junction Point Hit A Dead End?

    Troubling tales regarding Warren Spector's studio

    Various reports have been circulating around the internet in the past couple of hours saying that Warren Spector's Junction Point has been suffering some problems, with the development studio being closed down by Disney. A tweet originating from Roberts Space Industries sparked the chatter, but it...