Tag: N64 - Page 12

  • News GoldenEye 007 Designer Gives Amazingly In-Depth Post-Mortem On The Game

    Martin Hollis talks about creating the perfect Bond game

    Famed developer Martin Hollis may have gone on to other projects at the now-defunct Zoonami - creators of the WiiWare classic Bonsai Barber - but he started his career at Rare, where he worked on titles such as Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark and - possibly most famously - GoldenEye 007. Hollis...

  • News Turok Developer Wants To See N64 Versions On Virtual Console

    Ex-Iguana dev talks N64 development and the influence of James Bond

    Former Acclaim and Iguana Entertainment designer Ryan Tracy wants to see the four N64 Turok games made available on the Virtual Console, but admits that the thorny issue of IP ownership could mean that his desire never comes to pass. Speaking to NotEnoughShaders.com, Tracy also...

  • News Does Ocarina of Time Look Better with Link to the Past's Graphics?

    You decide

    Many of us know The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's Hyrule like the back of our hands, but did you ever stop to consider what the Great Deku Tree might look like Link to the Past-style? Zelda Fan Game Central member MaJoRa has spent the past two years recreating Hyrule with sprites and tiles from Link's SNES adventure, wrapping up the...

  • News Wait, There's a Spectrum Emulator in GoldenEye?

    Secret agent

    Of all the cheats and secrets tucked away in GoldenEye 007, we never suspected Rare's N64 classic harboured a fully functioning ZX Spectrum 48k emulator. Rare began a coding experiment to see if the N64 could support a Spectrum emulator, even embedding old-school Rare games Sabre Wulf, Jetpac and more in the code. Clearly the experiment...

  • Hardware Review Everdrive 64

    One cartridge, infinite possibilities

    They may not find much favour with purists, but flash carts are becoming increasingly popular these days. The rapid march of technology combined with the low cost of flash-based storage has generated a wide selection of different options, almost all of which are produced in limited quantities and to very crude...

  • News See Rockstar and Miyamoto's Unreleased N64 Project

    Do the buggy boogie

    Back in the day, Rockstar San Diego — best known for Red Dead Redemption of course — was Angel Studios, a work-for-hire developer responsible for the N64 port of Resident Evil 2 among other games. What you may not know was the studio had an internal division known as Dream Team that once worked on an unreleased N64 game with...

  • News Mario Party 2 Joins the Club Nintendo Rewards Gang

    It'll cry if it wants to

    North America, your Club Nintendo rewards have been updated today, with two download games available to buy with your hard-earned coins. Art Academy: First Semester (3DS, DSiWare) — 150 Coins Mario Party 2 (N64, Wii Virtual Console) — 150 Coins These rewards are available until 29th February. Remember if you want to get...

  • Feature Celebrating 10 Years of Animal Crossing

    Population: glowing

    Here's a fun game next time you're at a boring social occasion: try explaining the point of Animal Crossing to an elderly family member. Nintendo's genre-defying life series first appeared in Japan in April 2001 as Dobutsu no Mori ("Animal Forest") on Nintendo 64, but it was the enhanced Animal Forest+ for GameCube —...

  • News These Cut Scenes Never Made it Into Majora's Mask

    Yet here they are

    It's always fascinating to see what gets left out of games before they make it to players, and while these two cut scenes from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask aren't the most exciting we've ever seen they do show Link doing press-ups, so that's something. The clips below come from a beta version of the game, but we won't spoil...

  • Feature Memorable Zelda Moments

    The wonderful world of Hyrule, and beyond

    The Legend of Zelda is one of the best loved Nintendo franchises, over 25 years old and still finding new ways to thrill gamers. The significant number of Zelda releases means it boasts an incredible history and reputation, with each new entry’s adventure contributing its part to the lore of the series...

  • News Miyamoto: "Super Mario 64 Was Boring"

    Wasn't always a classic

    We now know that Super Mario 64 is one of the most important genre leaps in gaming history, taking Nintendo's mascot from 2D into 3D with enormous skill and craftsmanship. However, creating the game wasn't plain sailing, as a new Iwata Asks reveals. The discussion — which comes in at a colossal 26 pages — reveals that...

  • Feature Resident Evil's Nintendo History

    Undead on the big N, past, present and future

    The claustrophobic darkness. The creeping undead. The hideous monsters. The Resident Evil series has brought such thrills and chills to our TVs since 1996, and it’s taken quite a unique path when it comes to Nintendo consoles. With the month of All Hallows’ Eve upon us, we decided to take a look at...

  • News Unreleased N64 Game Glover 2 Surfaces Online

    The sequel that never was

    N64 platformer Glover may have been lost in the sea of other 3D platformers that flooded the system, but it's got nothing on its sequel. Glover 2 was never finished, but in 2010 a prototype version of the game made its way to eBay, allowing the world to see Interactive Studios' unreleased sequel. Check out the video below...

  • Round Table Remembering the Nintendo 64

    Check out the polygons!

    This week we have been celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64, looking at memorable games, the revolutionary aspects of the system, the let-downs and disappointments, as well as the possible 3D future for N64 titles. Now it’s time to relax and get into some good old retro reminiscences, scouring our aging...

  • Talking Point The Role of the N64 on the 3DS

    Classic games for a new audience

    It's no secret that Nintendo has been having something of a tough time of it in regards to the 3DS. Since its launch in late March of this year, Nintendo's newest handheld has battled through a significant price drop, a shaky start as far as its online functionality is concerned, complaints about poor battery life...

  • Feature Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64

    The Big N’s gift to modern gaming

    Looking back on the Nintendo 64, there are plenty of subject areas that warrant exploration. As a console, the N64 was a trend-setter that pushed the boundaries and expectations of gaming experiences. This status as a technologically advanced and experimental console was both a blessing and a curse, as it enjoyed...

  • Talking Point The Most Memorable Nintendo 64 Games

    Get N, to the Nintendo Life Poll

    It seems like the year of major anniversaries in all things Nintendo, as this week we celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64. The good old N64 was released on 29th September 1996 in North America and introduced 3D polygon graphics at a level that hadn’t been seen before. Throughout the course of this...

  • Feature What Happened to Metroid 64?

    Samus got lost

    As a week of Metroid Anniversary celebrations draws to a close, we thought we’d look back at a Metroid game that never was. We’re not talking about Metroid Dread, which could still happen, but Metroid 64, which will obviously never see the light of day. We’ve made the title up, but in light of the trend of adding ‘64’ after...

  • News This Custom N64 Has a Hidden Secret for Multiplayer

    Surprise, a control port!

    Custom consoles are all the rage these days, and the Nintendo 64 is particularly ripe for fan-made hardware revisions. The portable machine below might look oddly familiar to those who've seen the iNto64, but it's got an ace up its sleeve: a controller port. The combination of N64, screen and control port means split-screen...

  • News Iwata: Ocarina of Time 3D "Crammed with New Content"

    But keeps quiet on just what

    While plenty of gamers are looking forward to revisiting Link's first 64-bit outing when it comes to 3DS in the form of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata has hinted the title will still have plenty of new and interesting things to offer gamers this year. Speaking to Nintendo legend...

  • News Retro Gamer Celebrates the N64 with Special Issue

    64-bit baby in depth

    With Bomberman Hero arriving on Virtual Console today in Europe, the N64 is firmly back in many gamers' minds, while for some it never went away. This month's issue of Retro Gamer magazine is ideal for both, as it's a special collector's edition detailing Nintendo's 64-bit beauty in all its glory. Taking a look through the...

  • News Europe, Blow Up with Bomberman Hero on Friday

    North America, you have to wait

    As we reported last week, Hudson's 64-bit single-player Bomberman Hero was recently rated by the ESRB, but the title will make its first appearance in Europe this week for the price of 1000 Points. The game was originally released in 1998 and is most well-known for being a totally single-player adventure, with not...

  • News Super Mario 64 is a 5-Minute Adventure With the Right Tools

    The rotund plumber is faster than he looks thanks to an emulator-assisted speedrun

    Video games are a wonderful way to show off best times and high scores after spending countless hours in attempting to achieve them, but when orthodox methods aren't enough to impress, gamers (and obsessives) must think outside of the box. A group of speedrunners have...

  • Review Mario Party 2 (Virtual Console / Nintendo 64)

    It's party time!

    The Mario Party series has become quite successful for Nintendo and has brought many gamers and their families together over the years. Nintendo, obviously still concerned over the taxing controls of the original Mario Party which caused more than a few blisters and hand cramps among players, have decided to skip straight to Mario...

  • News Metroid 64 Was This Close to Existing

    Not that close, actually

    There was no Metroid game on Nintendo 64, Samus Aran skipping the console altogether save for a cameo appearance in Super Smash Bros. Series creator Yoshio Sakamoto has revealed in an interview with UK magazine GamesTM that the heroine's history could have been very different, as Nintendo approached a third-party to develop...

  • News Wanted: Your Memories of GoldenEye N64

    Care to share your rose-tinted memories of the fabulous GoldenEye and become a video star?

    Do you remember playing Goldeneye on the N64? Were you the sharpest shooter among your friends? Do you still think playing as Oddjob is cheating? Kream London is filming a new media project and is looking for outgoing groups of friends to talk about one of the...

  • News Sin & Punishment Team Talks N64 Development Hell

    The console "didn't work at all"

    The paradigm shift from 2D to 3D that game developers faced in the 32/64-bit era was so drastic that not only did developers have to grapple with new tech but also figuring out how on earth their games would work in a new dimension. It didn't always work out so well, but when it did it was magical. Nintendo CEO...

  • News Help People Get Their Wii Consoles Online, Get Free Games

    Nintendo of Europe announces their upcoming promotion.

    Not too long ago, Nintendo of Japan announced a new promotion - those who helped enough people connect their Wii consoles to the Internet would receive free Wii Points and the ability to download a multitude of Virtual Console games absolutely free. Nintendo of Europe has now announced that they...

  • News EU VC Update: Mario Golf and Wonder Boy in Monster Land

    This week, Europe finally gets another N64 game! Can you believe it's been almost 8 months since the last one? Accompanying it is what is likely to be the last Wonder Boy game on VC.

    Mario Golf was strangely already released in the US and Japan months ago before finally appearing in Europe this week. This is the first Mario Golf game, and although...

  • News USA VC Releases: Mario Golf and Shining Force II

    Nintendo has dropped the ball on Hudson again! Digital Champ: Battle Boxing and Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou, both announced for release in the US today, have been pushed back in favour of two other games! When will they learn? It's not all bad news though...

    You can finally stop complaining about the lack of recent Nintendo 64 releases - Mario Golf...

  • News Goldeneye Locked In Legal Limbo

    WAAAAY back in the mists of time we reported that Nintendo was looking to bring Rare’s N64 classic Goldeneye to the Virtual Console.

    Soon afterwards it became clear that it wasn’t going to happen, and to make matters worse, it looked as if Rare’s new owners might bring the game to their 360 console via the Xbox Live Arcade service, albeit in...

  • News N64 Controller Mod For Virtual Console

    Although the Classic Controller is enough for most retro-loving Wii owners, there are some that crave a rather more authentic experience. There’s nothing like experiencing Virtual Console games on the controllers they were intended to be played on, and while Nintendo’s limited production of the Club Nintendo SNES pad will have satisfied a few, it’s going to leave a certain demographic out in the cold – namely those who love the N64 controller.

    But fear not. A talented hacker called Raphaël Assénat and been tink...

  • News EU VC Releases - 30th May - Samurai Shodown

    If you like SNK fighters and N64 puzzlers you're in luck today. There's two news games that fall into the former category, and one that falls in the latter. I think you can guess the N64 game!

    The top pick this week is Samurai Shodown. Instead of making yet another generic modern-day fighter with special moves, like fireballs and such, they decided...

  • News US VC Releases - 5th May - Pokemon Puzzle League

    So what wonderful games can you get your grubby mitts on this Monday? Prepared to be amazed as the Virtual Console is getting a new N64 game in the shape of Pokémon Puzzle League.

    For those not in the know Pokémon Puzzle League uses the exact same gameplay found in the old SNES and Game Boy title Tetris Attack. You're given a Tetris-like field...

  • News US VC Releases - March 31st - Wonder Boy

    Not to be outdone by Europe getting the first Commodore 64 games on Friday it turns out that the North American Virtual Console service is getting its first Sega Master System game in this week’s VC releases!

    For those not in the know about the Master System you can read up on the system in Damo’s hardware focus. Basically it was the 8-bit...

  • News EU VC Releases - 28th March - Commodore 64

    If you like the number 64 you're in luck today - Not only are there three new games, they're all for the Commodore 64 and Nintendo 64! Obviously this also means there's now a new system on VC. Commodore 64 games cost 500 Wii Points each.

    As the C64 is arguably bigger news than a new N64 game (It's not that great of a game anyway), its two games are...

  • News EU VC Release - March 7th - Kirby 64

    Nintendo are back to their old shenanigans, as there's only one new game this week. That said, it IS a Nintendo 64 game, which somewhat merits it.

    Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is the only 3D Kirby platformer ever released (There is another in development, but information on it is a bit scarce). Unfortunately, it's also frequently seen as the...

  • News US VC Releases - 25th February - Kirby 64

    American NES fans were no doubt a little jealous at Europe for getting River City Ransom last Friday - But no worries, while you aren't getting RCR on Monday, you'll get something else that's also wanted by many people and isn't out in Europe yet.

    Japan got Custom Robo V2 as their latest Nintendo 64 game, so some people thought the rest of the world...

  • News US VC Releases - 28th January - 1080 Snowboarding

    The days of getting three (or more) Virtual Console games each week seem like a distant memory to us now. Yet again, Nintendo has released just one game for the US Virtual Console, but the blow is softened considerably by the fact that it’s an excellent N64 release! Better to spend your Wii points on one decent title than three rubbish ones, eh?


  • News EU VC Releases - 18th January - 1080 Snowboarding

    Tennnn Eightyyy

    Hot on the heels of Japan, who got the game on Tuesday, Europe has gotten the next N64 game - 1080 Snowboarding! This is another "realistic" racer, similar to Wave Race 64, except that you're, of course, snowboarding instead of riding jetskis. Like the other 3 N64 racers on VC, it holds up quite well and is well worth checking out...

  • News Goldeneye NOT Virtual Console Bound?

    Xbox site Xbox Evolved has posted a rather worrying story regarding the N64 classic Goldeneye. According to the site, Rare is gearing up to publish the game on Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service.

    Rare apparently has already started to seek the permission of current Bond licence holder Activision. Other classic Rare titles such as Perfect Dark and...

  • News Surprise EU VC Release - Pokemon Snap + worldwide Photo Channel update

    As some of you might have already noticed this morning, everybody's favourite blue Wii light was flashing. If you turn on your Wii you'll have gotten a message from Nintendo alerting you that the Wii Shop gift feature is now available (After a Wii Shop update). But that's not all!

    Nintendo of Europe also saw fit to release Pokemon Snap together with...

  • News US VC Releases - 10th December - Pokemon Snap

    The first Pokemon game hits VC in the US today! It's the strange but fun Pokemon Snap for Nintendo 64, where instead of capturing Pokemon in Pokeballs, you capture them on film. The game itself is good fun, but as an overall package it is a bit lacking. Still, if you're a Pokemon fan, better make do with this, because this will most likely be one of extremely few Pokemon titles to come to VC (We think the only other one will be Pokemon Puzzle League). Another thing worth considering is that this version of Pokemon Snap has a VC-exclusive feature!


  • News EU VC Releases - 26th October - Magician Lord

    Instead of the third Neo Geo fighting game, Europe's in for a treat today - You can now download the great platformer action game, Magician Lord! This great game features a fantastic soundtrack, great visuals and fun gameplay, including the ability to shapeshift into different forms.

    Second today is what is perhaps the first not so great Nintendo 64...

  • News US VC Releases - 1st October - Two Japan-only games

    Apparently trying to imitate Europe's past couple of weeks, the US gets two previously Japan-only games this week.

    First up is Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels. This game was never released in it's original form outside Japan, no matter what anybody says. The All-Stars and Super Mario Bros. DX versions are both easier, and the SMBDX version even...

  • News EU VC Releases - 28th September - Sci-Fi Week

    Get to your Wii! It's Sci-Fi Week! Part of this final Hanabi Festival update is Sin and Punishment, the highly anticipated N64 action game never released outside Japan! It has an inflated price like most Japan-only games before it - 1200 Points. If you love yourself, get this. It's an extremely good game, somewhat like Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars, except even better. This is the first Japan-only game to be translated! All menus and such are in English!

    Gradius III for SNES makes up the middle of this week's p...

  • Review Yoshi's Story (Wii Virtual Console / Nintendo 64)

    Not Yoshi's finest hour

    Remember Yoshi's Island on the Super NES? That awesome platformer that swapped the roles and made Yoshi the main hero with (Baby) Mario being the sidekick? It's become iconic, but this is perhaps the first "real" Yoshi game (Mario isn't in the name and he's barely seen in the game) and it does things a bit differently. The...

  • Review Paper Mario ( / Nintendo 64)

    A two-dimensional adventure which is anything but thin!

    Remember Super Mario RPG? It was basically the swansong of the SNES, and though sales for it were fairly poor (Since people had moved on to new consoles and all), the games managed to build up quite a fanbase, and is, nowadays, one of the most popular Mario games ever made, despite not being...

  • News Hardware Focus - Nintendo 64

    Since the 80's Nintendo's name has been synonymous with gaming, the company's current market dominance highlighting how attuned they have become to the requirements of the market, and providing the buyers with the very things they need.

    However, given the current success of the DS and Wii, it is perhaps too easy to forget that it was achieved...