Tag: Charts - Page 20

  • News Fire Emblem: Awakening Battles to Number One in Japanese Chart

    An early victory

    The latest Media Create Japanese chart results are in, and Fire Emblem: Awakening has stormed to the software number one position with an impressive 242,600 sales: more than the other nine top ten titles combined. The intriguing Code of Princess, an action-brawler on 3DS, made its debut at number two with a more modest 19,554 units...

  • News UK Chart Results Are Less Than Golden for Nintendo

    Not flying off the shelves

    Each week we have two sets of charts to bring you. On the one hand Nintendo's Japanese hardware and software sales are always through the roof and dominating its competitors, while the UK software charts often give a very different impression. Regular hardware sales for the UK aren't provided, but this week's software top...

  • News 3DS Stays on Top in Japanese Charts

    As you were

    Some things remain the same from one week to the next: there aren't enough hours in the day reserved for gaming, speculative Wii U rumours spread like wild-fire, and 3DS reigns supreme at the top of the Japanese hardware chart. As shown by the latest Media Create figures, provided by Andriasang, Nintendo's latest handheld is continuing...

  • News Pandora's Tower Sneaks into UK Software Chart

    A lot of climbing to do

    There was one high profile retail release on Nintendo systems last week, with Pandora’s Tower arriving on Wii. Unlike Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure, which failed to break into the software top 40 in its debut week and missed out again this week, the final title in the so-called 'Operation Rainfall Trilogy' has...

  • News The U.S. Sales Results are in for Nintendo

    Not bad, not brilliant

    While Nintendo, or to be precise 3DS, continues to dominate in Japan, it's always interesting to see how the company is performing outside its homeland. In the UK our only regular insight is the weekly software chart, and courtesy of the NPD Group we now have our monthly insight into how the big N is performing in the U.S. In...

  • News Rhythm Thief Misses UK Charts

    Oh, Raphael...

    Funky Parisian 3DS game Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure has failed to land a foothold in the UK Top 40 charts in its first week. Price cuts and Easter promotions led to increased sales of older titles, which may have contributed to keeping Raphael's groove on the down low. Top of the charts was the much-hyped Kinect Star...

  • News Kid Icarus: Uprising Fails to Fly in UK Charts

    Pit's wings burn up

    While Kid Icarus: Uprising has flown high in the Japanese charts and won the prestigious Nintendo Life Game of the Month award for March, it's dropped out of the top ten in the latest UK charts. Pit's latest adventure comes in at number 14 in the chart in its second week, a drop from seventh in its debut week but the...

  • News Kid Icarus Ignites 3DS Sales Spike in Japan

    Up nearly 50%

    Kid Icarus: Uprising is doing the business for Nintendo in Japan, as hardware sales following its release increased nearly 50% week-on-week. As Masahiro Sakurai's game sold 132,526 units in Japan to top the software chart, 3DS hardware sales hit 94,011, up almost exactly 30,000 on the previous week's tally of 64,017. 3DS accounted for...

  • News Pokémon Back on Top of Japanese Charts

    Not exactly a surprise

    While many Pokémon fans are probably busy contemplating the arrival of Pokémon Black and White 2, gamers in Japan have been hitting the shops to buy up cross-over title Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition, propelling it to number one in the charts. Elsewhere in the Media Create software charts, Mario Kart 7 and Monster Hunter 3 G...

  • News 3DS Hardware and Software Still Dominating Charts in Japan

    Another week, same story

    In recent weeks there has been one trend that has been impeccably reliable: that the 3DS is outselling its competitors in Japan. Its software has also invariably sold well, with multiple titles camped out in the top 10. As reported by Andriasang, 3DS is once again the top selling hardware in The Land of the Rising Sun with...

  • News Mario Party 9 is Coming Up the UK Charts

    So you better get it started

    Mario Party 9 may be trying a few new things, but it still knows how to keep a crowd happy. In this week's UK software charts the latest entry in the series has secured a very respectable third place, grabbing it a useful stash of mini-stars in the process. This is apparently the highest debut UK chart position for the...

  • News 3DS Continues to Dominate in Japan

    Outselling all the rest

    Any suspicion that the 3DS revival in Japan was a temporary improvement is still being disproven, with the latest Japanese charts showing another strong showing for the handheld. With 3DS software also prominent, the handheld is still on a roll in its homeland. The latest Media Create results, as reported by Andriasang, show...

  • News 3DS Hits Five Million Sales in Japan

    Mario, karts and monsters to the rescue

    In recent weeks we've been reporting the exceptionally good run that 3DS is having in Japan, consistently selling more than all of its rivals combined. It's been confirmed today that it has hit yet another milestone, and in record time. As reported by Andriasang, Japanese chart master Media Create has...

  • News Mario & Sonic Sales Nearly Double in a Week

    Going for gold

    SEGA's sporting symposium just enjoyed a sales surge in the UK charts, with a whopping week-on-week sales increase of 94%. Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games on 3DS was released on 10th February, resulting in a 145% increase to send the title up from 31st to 10th position. Now sales of the 3DS version and discounts of...

  • News 3DS Software Struggles in UK Charts

    Hot in Japan, winter chills in old blighty

    While we've been happy to report the continuing resurgence of 3DS sales in Japan, it looks like success in the UK is proving to be more difficult to achieve. In the latest software charts published by UKIE only one 3DS exclusive, Mario Kart 7, has managed to steer its way into the top 20, sneaking in at...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Scares Its Way to Top of Japanese Charts

    3DS also continues its dominance

    Although its only just arrived in North America, Resident Evil Revelations is now in the Japanese and European charts for a second week. While it has taken a hit in the UK charts, it's enjoyed an improved position in the Land of the Rising Sun. According to the latest Media Create results, and as reported by...

  • News Resi Revelations Takes a Hit in UK Charts

    Needs a herb

    After a stellar performance landing at number six in the UK charts in its first week, Resident Evil Revelations drops to number 19 in its second week on sale. Capcom's survival horror shooter sits a few places below Mario Kart 7 in 17th and Super Mario 3D Land at 16, the highest-placed 3DS-exclusive game on the chart. Revelations is...

  • News 3DS Big Three Keep on Selling in Japan

    Nearly 4 million served

    Nintendo's Christmas trio of top titles continues to sell in Japan into January, with Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land and Monster Hunter 3 G still topping the country's sales charts. Between them the games have sold 3.94 million copies in Japan, an incredible figure as the most recent hardware sales put the machine at 3.6m...

  • News Resident Evil Revelations Scares Its Way Up UK Charts

    The monstrous Circle Pad Pro included with some

    Resident Evil Revelations certainly had plenty of build-up and hype before its release in Europe, including an extended trailer that reveals much of the storyline. It also received mainly positive reviews and avoided any troublesome save data arguments as endured by its predecessor, Resident Evil: The...

  • Charts 26th January 2012 (UK)

    Is the Prince of Persia the chart king?

    The biggest 3DS release on 19th January was Ubisoft's first-ever foray into the world of Virtual Console, but how did the Game Boy Color game fare? denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: Prince of Persia barely scrapes into...

  • Charts 26th January 2012 (North America)

    Lock'd in

    Let's see how the eShop releases for 19th January 2012 did in this week's 3DS charts. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: Kirby's still top but Pushmo drops a place under significant medical pressure from Dr. Mario. Is that ethical? 1. Kirby's Dream...

  • Charts 19th January 2012 (North America)

    Order, order

    How did the new releases on 12th January 2012 fare? Let's find out with your charts for the week denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: To everybody's surprise, the Club Nintendo rewards rise up the charts. Can they hold off the competition until the...

  • Charts 19th January 2012 (UK)

    Gotta get down on Thursday

    The 12th January Nintendo Download brought two new DSiWare games to the eShop: let's see how they performed. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: Doodle Fit joins the top ten and Zen Pinball 3D jumps a few places, perhaps due to an...

  • Charts 12th January 2012 (North America)

    Feel the chart beat

    eShop charts have a permanent home here on Thursday now — that's when the new games arrive so it makes the most sense to see how last week's batch have done. Here's your lists for the week. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: A lot of change...

  • Charts 12th January 2012 (UK)

    Now at home on Thursday

    When are new games added to the 3DS eShop? Thursday. When does it make most sense to update the charts? Thursday. That's a long way of saying "look for 3DS eShop charts every Thursday", starting today. Let's see how last week's new releases fared in the UK chart. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a...

  • News 3DS Still Top of the Japanese Charts

    A Happy New Year for Nintendo

    In recent weeks Nintendo has been enjoying significant 3DS sales worldwide, making the most of the Holiday period. In Japan, the 3DS set a new console sales record for December, based on records that began in 1997. Although the festive period has now passed, it appears that sales of the handheld are continuing to do...

  • News Super Mario 3D Land Beats All in 2011 3DS Chart

    Goal Pole goes gold

    Super Mario 3D Land was the biggest-selling 3DS game of 2011 in the UK, according to the Association for UK Interactive Entertainment (UKIE). In second place was Mario Kart 7, with both Mario titles outselling Grezzo's N64 remaster The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Here's the full top five, followed by the DS top five, in...

  • News Zelda: Skyward Sword Misses Wii's 2011 Top Five

    Missing Link

    Much-anticipated MotionPlus adventure The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is nowhere to be seen among the UK's five top-selling Wii games of 2011. Topping the chart is fitness phenomenon Zumba Fitness, just ahead of Just Dance 3 and prequel Just Dance 2. Nintendo first-party software occupies the fourth and fifth slots: Mario

  • News UK's Best-Selling Games of 2011 Revealed

    Nintendo misses all-format top 10

    Now 2011's over and done with, the Association for United Kingdom Interactive Entertainment — UKIE for short — has revealed the best-selling games across all formats last year. To nobody's surprise, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was the best-selling game of the year, but what's most surprising is the...

  • Charts 3rd January 2012 (North America)

    The results are in

    It's Tuesday and that means it's North American 3DS eShop time. Read on to find out what's been most popular across the country in recent times. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: In a surprising turn, excellent puzzler Pushmo has overtaken...

  • Charts 1st January 2012 (UK)

    Happy New Year edition

    It's the first chart of 2012 and a watermark for the coming year. One day we'll look back at this chart and laugh — were we ever so young? — but for now let's see what we all bought at the end of 2011. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All...

  • Charts 28th December 2011 (North America)

    2011's top sellers

    We already know that Link's Awakening DX is the best-selling 3DS VC game of 2011, but here's the round-up of what's hot and what's not in the eShop world. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: 3D Classics: Xevious and Mario vs. Donkey Kong...

  • News Link's Awakening DX is 2011's Best-Selling 3DS VC Game

    The results are in

    It's official: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX is the 3DS Virtual Console's best-selling game of 2011 in Europe and North America. Link's legendary adventure tops the all-time Virtual Console charts in the UK and North America — live later today — beating off competition from Mario, Samus and Kirby. In fact, the game...

  • Charts 27th December 2011 (UK)

    Check out the Christmas sellers

    It's the last time to take a look at 2011's 3DS eShop charts, so savour the numbers below; they may very well hold the secret to the future. At the very least, they explain how well games sell relative to each other. Let's just get on with it, shall we? denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry...

  • Charts 20th December 2011 (North America)

    What's filling digital stockings this week?

    With just a few days until Christmas here's what 3DS eShop users have been purchasing in the past seven days. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: Buoyed by its appearance as a Club Nintendo reward, 3D Classics: Xevious shoots up to second, just behind Intelligent Systems' adorable puzzler. The Club...

  • Charts 19th December 2011 (UK)

    What's Christmas number one?

    Hard to believe we stand at the beginning of Christmas week, yet here we are, eagerly unwrapping UK's 3DS eShop charts to find out what's the star on top of the download Christmas tree. More mixed metaphors in the charts below. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a non-mover. Popular...

  • Charts 12th December 2011 (North America)

    Shopping all over the world

    After our UK 3DS eShop Charts it's time to see what people on the other side of the Atlantic have been picking up. As this is the first time we've run these charts we haven't got the details of previous positions, but we'll pick that up in future weeks. Popular Last Week — All Downloads: A strong showing for Pushmo in...

  • Charts 12th December 2011 (UK)

    Did Pullblox reach the top?

    It's Monday morning and time to take a quick look at everything that's selling well in the Nintendo 3DS eShop across the UK. With plenty of new releases last week it'll be interesting to see how the new titles fared against established titles. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a...

  • Charts 5th December 2011 (UK)

    Serving up eShop eCharts

    It's Monday morning again and that only means one thing in these parts: eShop charts. Accidental poetry aside, here's the list of everything that's selling well in the world of 3DS digital downloads, as collated and published by Nintendo itself. denotes last week's position. indicates game is a new entry. indicates a...

  • Charts 28th November 2011 (UK)

    What's hot and what's not

    Last week Nintendo of Europe added charts to the 3DS eShop, letting you see what's selling well among fellow digital download fans. You'll find below this week's charts for what's been popular in the UK for the last seven days, as well as what's leading the field in all-time sales. denotes last week's position for Top 10...

  • News Zelda and Mario Break Into UK Top Ten

    Strong showing

    In one of the most crowded release weeks in the gaming calendar, Nintendo's key players have performed well to enter the UK top ten chart. Super Mario 3D Land leapt into ninth place, while The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword grabbed seventh position. Further down the chart, the latest crossover between plumber and hedgehog, Mario and...

  • News Xenoblade Chronicles Assaults UK Top 10

    In at seven

    In a turn-up for the books, Japanese RPG Xenoblade Chronicles has sold well enough to make it to seventh place in the official UK charts. It wasn't the only Nintendo title to make it into the top 10 though: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D continued its post-3DS price cut rise up the charts to make it to number 4, its highest position...

  • News Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Reaches Second Place in UK Charts

    Link's latest legend a sales success

    The Hero of Time returned to the sales charts this week as Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D reached second place in the UK All-Formats Chart. Only dance party sensation Zumba Fitness on Kinect and Wii sold more copies, with Link's adventure comfortably outselling new multi-format releases including EA's Alice:...

  • News Dead or Alive Fails to Land a Hold on UK Charts

    Dead on arrival

    3DS fighter Dead or Alive: Dimensions is very good, but its quality hasn't resulted in big sales in the UK, as it's failed to make the top 40 chart. Even with Nintendo's sales and marketing expertise behind the game it failed to sell enough copies to make it into the top 40 All Formats Chart. In fact, there are no 3DS-specific titles...

  • News Steel Diver Sinks Without Trace at UK Retail

    Ships abandoned all over the country

    Last Friday saw just one major new release hit UK shelves: Nintendo's Steel Diver launched on 3DS, but failed to register as even a blip on the official Top 40 chart. The full top 40 list for all-formats only contains LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars and Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D as 3DS games, where they are...

  • News Kirby Casts On a Disappointing UK Chart Debut

    Did delay hurt sales?

    Kirby's Epic Yarn finally made its way to Europe last week, having been available in North America since the end of October, but its first weekend of sales in the UK don't make a strong case for the delay helping sales. The game completely failed to dent the all-formats top 40, landing in the Wii-specific charts at number 9,...

  • News No Love for Super Mario All-Stars in UK Top 20 Chart

    Donkey Kong in at 13 though

    Plumbing collection Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition just launched in the UK and had an underwhelming first weekend of sales, missing the top 20 altogether and landing at number 22. Simian platformer Donkey Kong Country Returns had a stronger showing, a new entry at number 13 behind strong climber Mario Kart...

  • News Price Slashing Helps Sonic Colours Jump to UK Top 20

    That's better

    Whilst the first week of sales for Sonic Colours on DS and Wii resulted in a disappointing 36th place for the hedgehog's latest outings, his second week on sale has seen significant gains, breaking into the UK Top 20 at number 18. Whilst we like to think our Sonic Colours DS review and Sonic Colours Wii

  • News Sonic Colours Barely Breaks into UK Top 40

    Disappointing figures for 'hog's latest

    Sonic Colours for DS and Wii have been garnering positive reviews all over the globe – don't worry, we're working on our reviews too – and launched in the UK on Friday with a somewhat unconventional marketing approach. Whilst there once was a time a Sonic game on Nintendo platforms would be eaten up by the...

  • News GoldenEye's Return Sells Twice As Well As HD Bond Outings

    Still only debuts at number 13

    It's not very often a Nintendo-exclusive title outsells a similar game on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but the GoldenEye name clearly still carries appeal for UK gamers as the game comprehensively outsold HD 007 outing James Bond 007: Blood Stone. Although the Wii and DS game landed outside the UK Top Ten at number 13,...