
Topic: Where is Netflix?

Posts 21 to 26 of 26


SplatRay001 wrote:

@LinkxPeach I’m hoping for a new 2d Zelda before the switch is done its run

If Nintendo is planning on making a 2D Zelda Switch game, it’d be a spin-off just like LoZ: Triforce Heroes, or a Young Link/Toon Link game.

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SwitchForce wrote:

@LinkxPeach That’s okay. I okay with Nintendo adding the Netflix App on the Nintendo Switch.
It doesn't provide revenue source for Nintendo so why would they do.

They won’t.

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SwitchForce wrote:

You do understand that just hosting a NetFlix app cost money $$$. NetFlix isn't about to just give a app out for free they will want something from Nintendo to use their App or Creating a App will cost Nintendo money to use it. It's not a free app if it comes from Netflix they will want some compensation for making a Nintendo app.

What are you even talking about? That's not how it works

The process would be Netflix decides to port their app to the Switch, they would pay entirely for the development of that app. Once they were ready they would then submit it for approval. Once it's approved they would be able to make it live on the digital storefront. If it was a paid app? Then Nintendo would take a cut of the sales. But since Netflix is a free app with a subscription? No money would change hands

In terms of compensation for a free app such as this? It goes both ways. The platform owner gains an additional app that increases the appeal of their platform. And the app-developer, especially in the case of an app that supports a service with a different revenue stream, increases the value of your product

source: I'm a developer for a company that makes enterprise software and we have two supporting applications freely available on various digital stores. One is on iOS and the Microsoft store (tablet app) and another on iOS and Android (phone app). So I know how this goes down. Also common sense.....

I can't speak for Netflix on Switch because I'm not Nintendo or Netflix. But I think we can assume this hasn't happened for one of two reasons. Either Netflix has decided that it wasn't worth the effort to port it or Nintendo has refused to approve the app for some reason

Frankly, given Youtube exists on the Switch, I suspect it's the former. Netflix would know how many people actually use their apps on various devices. They'd know how many people used it on 3DS, Wii U, PS, XB etc. They've probably just concluded, IMO correctly, that most people just use their TVs app or their phones/tablets. Netflix existing or not existing on Switch isn't going to be the thing that determines whether or not someone gets or maintains their Netflix subscription

It's not the mid-to-late 2000s anymore when the gaming console was likely the only internet connected device on your TV. These days your TV IS your internet connected device

Edited on by skywake

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It's a bit late for a Netflix app now on the Switch if anything maybe on Nintendo's next console. Of course there are so many other ways to access Netflix, phone, Tablet, tv's themselves the the Switch having a Netflix app isn't a big deal.

Hell, since getting Smart TVs I deleted apps like Netflix, Max, YouTube from my Series X and just use the TV itself.

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I kinda like that they haven’t been focusing on getting streaming apps this generation. I appreciate that little degree of separation between gaming console and entertainment station.


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@Eel Yeah. I'm not upset about Netflix not being on Switch, since I have my Roku already and I use my Switch exclusively for games. Plus I prefer using a remote for when I watch shows and movies, it's much easier for me that way.

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