
Topic: Nintendo Roadmap Prediction

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No way we get THAT much Zelda. I don't see a meaty DLC wave releasing a mere month after the base game, nor WW/TP remasters.

If they do have DLC planned, I wouldn't expect it until the autumn at the earliest, & I don't see a WW/TP release happening until after all the DLC is out (even if there's no DLC, I don't see TP/WW releasing in the same calendar year as TotK. I think they'd be 2024 at the earliest).

OoT remake is absolutely not happening any time soon (especially if WW/TP remasters are a thing).

Conversely, there's not enough Mario. Granted, I don't think we'd get anything huge at this point in the Switch's life, but I doubt they'll try and coast the holiday period on nothing other than MK8D DLC. There'll be something, even if it's just a smaller scale spinoff (like Sports Mix or Sluggers. Not saying it'll be a new one of those specifically, just something of that caliber).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@Magician That would put them well into late Wii territory, which they've said more than once that they intend to avoid doing with Switch. Switch 2 is coming sooner rather than later.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


The reason why I included OoT remake is because Nintendo needs some games to show off their next console. But since the Zelda team is beginning development on the next Zelda game, they decided to make a 4K remake of OoT for the time being. Also, that might explain why Tears of the Kingdom was delayed so much. I'm confident the Zelda team are making a 4K remake of a classic Zelda game, and I strongly believe it's OoT.



@GreenNinja500 still a stretch. Ocarina and Majorca’s Mask were already remade for 3DS. And 4K of all things? I don’t remember Nintendo releasing games for the PS5. Nintendo has always favoured good games over powerful consoles. The next one won’t even have 4K, I would bet a fat dollar on that. It took Nintendo until the Wii U era to even implement HD games. But I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t believe in. So if you believe Ocarina is getting a second remake in 4K on a console that will probably have power equal to the PS4, then by all means, go for it I guess.

Edited on by TheBigBlue

Wait, why do we need a signature? Eh, I don’t know. Here’s your signature.


@Bolt_Strike I agree with you on Star Fox and F-Zero. At least Star Fox has been given new games within the last decade, F-Zero hasn’t had a new game for almost 20 years. The latest star fox games were just released on an ill-fated console with what I hear are clumsy controls. Given the right platform and quality, classic star fox could perhaps hold its own in this day and age. But F-Zero is in the dirt, porting the older titles is all we will receive at this point unless Sega or an upstart company gives the series another go with Nintendo’s green light.

Wait, why do we need a signature? Eh, I don’t know. Here’s your signature.


I desperately want a OoT remake. and perhaps a MM one too.

I fear no man
but that thing:
The carrot minigame from bowser's inside story
it scares me


@Professor_Plumber I think it's time for a NES remake, remakes of Seasons would be nice but those can be played on NSO they can wait.

dysgraphia awareness human


@Professor_Plumber YO! I thought the same thing! BOTW is the secret NES remake!

I beat NES last year using a guide and it was super fun.

dysgraphia awareness human


@GreenNinja500 @NintendoByNature I agree with @Grumblevolcano @RR529, I just can't see Windwaker or Twilight Princess releasing on the Switch. Assume the Switch 2 releases in 2024 and the next new 3D Zelda is 5-7 years away, Nintendo will want some Zelda content for Switch 2. I think we'll see Metroid Prime Remaster style releases with hopefully 4K (DLSS) graphics etc for both. Maybe even one of them being a launch/year 1 title?



@MarioBrickLayer I didn't say anything about it not coming to Switch, just that it's not coming until later in 2024 at the earliest. I feel there'll be a window like 2017 - 2019 for 3DS where Switch gets ports/remasters/remakes/DLC meanwhile the successor gets new stuff. Take 2025 for example, you'd perhaps have something like:

  • Pokemon Gen 10 (Switch 2)
  • New Animal Crossing (Switch 2)
  • New Fire Emblem (Switch 2)
  • New 2D Metroid (Switch 2)
  • New Mario spinoff that isn't sports (Switch 2)
  • XCX (Switch)
  • Galaxy 2 (Switch)
  • Oracle remakes (Switch)
  • Kirby Triple Deluxe and/or Planet Robobot (Switch)
  • MK8 Deluxe DLC (Switch)
  • Smash Ultimate Fighters Pass 3 (Switch)

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Just give me OoT/MM/WW/TP remasters and more Metroid Prime remasters.

Also MGS collection would be really nice.

Edited on by ZeldaFan83



An honest prediction - early in the “Switch 2” lifecycle there will be a “BoTW remastered” incorporating some of the qol things from ToTK and better integrating the dlc stuff into quests.

I’d also predict Hyrule Warriors 3 based around ToTK (although when exactly I’ve no idea).

Mostly I tend to agree with the notion that post Pikmin 4 we’ll see a lot of older games (Wii/3DS games) ported to Switch but capable of running in 4k on “Switch 2”.

There’s still some very low hanging fruit in that garden (Galaxy 2, DKCR, Samus Returns etc.).

I think that WWHD definitely returns at some point but the timing might keep it off Switch now. It’s probably a hard one for them to time since it’s a big release that will always sell well. A lot people will want that in the highest resolution on the next Switch. I’d personally rather they make us wait given the new console is clearly coming.

TP is maybe a more likely port since it has a strong niche audience and will sell good numbers but it’s a much smaller deal for the broader audience. The timing matters less and it could fit as a filler port late in the Switch lifecycle.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6338-4534-2507


I hope the Switch launches with an Ocarina of Time remaster (similar to Metroid Prime but more 'next gen.)

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


Plenty of people have said the next system needs some kind of gimmick to stand out and not just be a more powerful Switch (or rather that Nintendo would want it that way), so I’ve been wondering: what will this next gimmick actually be? VR right out of the box? DS-like screens? Some never before seen tech? I’m honestly surprised there hasn’t been more of a talk about this since it’ll be quite crucial to the new console’s success.

Currently playing: Zelda TotK, Xenoblade Chronicles, Splatoon 3



Nintendo updating the rumble tech in their controller might be enough to qualify.

Immersion made both the hd rumble in the Joy-Con and the haptics in the DualSense.

Just make that rumble mo betta, Nintendo.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician Personally I think they might need something more substantial in order to drive sales and set it apart from the Switch, though I could be wrong as I’ve never felt the rumble of a PS5 controller, maybe it’s a game changer I’m totally missing out on : P

When I think about what they could do, VR always comes to mind, it’d be yet another way to play a system that is built on its versatility (if they manage to do it well that is). I’ve never been much interested in VR games but I’m sure Nintendo could make some cool stuff with it, Metroid Prime 4 for instance could lend itself really well to a VR device.

Currently playing: Zelda TotK, Xenoblade Chronicles, Splatoon 3

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