
Topic: DS Recommendations Thread

Posts 101 to 120 of 782


WaveBoy wrote:

I'm still thinking if I should start off with the first Professor Layton, move onto the second and then play the 3rd. OR should I just get the 3rd? Wouldn't that be enough? Or is it worth experiencing all 3 of these games? What sets them apart from each other besides the story line? But ya,I fell in love with Zack & Wiki

Zack & Wiki's Motion IR Control puzzle soliving was amazing and so much fun! I'd imagine the same thing with Professor Layton, but in a different sort of way...

Well, I've never played a professor layton game, but I never seem to play games in order (and I don't even know it), and it still seems fun to me.

"Remember: when life rocks you, RAWK BACK!" ~Rawk Hawk
FNS: Y B L R R R B >


@WaveBoy The Prof. Layton series doesn't have a continuous story as such, but you may want to start with the first one because if you start with the third you'll probably never go back to the older ones since they're so much lower tech.




Should I get Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals or wait and get something better?



@dsmaster - Here are some impressions of the Jap version to let you know more about that game. :

    It's basically an Action rpg remake of a traditional rpg and if you're a fan of hack 'n slash gameplay, then go for it. But, just to let you know if you have your doubts here are some other alternatives (Ys1&2, FF ring of fate/ echoes of time, Blue dragon, Children of Mana)

I need help also, I can only get one game and I need something that is really enjoyable and can last you long(including high replay value). I am deciding between Kirby SSU(played before, but couldn't get, enough of it), Super Scribblenauts and Four Heroes of light. I know how good they are, but I need to know your thoughts. Thank you.

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@Karakato_00: I will say that maybe you will want to wait for the upcoming kirby game for the DS, or get Epic Yarn, anyways; 4HOL last long, like 30 hours I have heard, but I also heard that it was hard, and well, I think not alot of replay value, maybe on the minigames? But Super Sribblenauts have lots of levels, the ones you can always play again, that adds alot of replay value + the sandbox and the "create your own level mode" so I think that you should go for SS, first, because of the high replay value and the long hours you can spend in the sandbox mode, also creating you own level, sharing them, and playing the other people levels. So it is really enjoyable, and with the replay value can last long , so yeah, go for that 1.

Man's worst enemy is laziness.


Thanks for the info, I think the battle system does not look that good and personally I preferred the original's gameplay. I think i'll try one of the alternatives you listed, thanks again.



Im thinking of importing
Daigasso Band Brothers
Daigasso Band Brothers DX
Tingle's Rosey Rupee Land
Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love
and Chibi Robo 3
Which should I get 1st??

Edited on by Hokori

3DS FC: Otaku1
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Nintendo of Japan
niconico community is full of kawaii!
Must finish my backlagg or at least get close this year


Response:Ive never been good at the Professor Laytons. D:

A Mysterious Voice suddenly speaks out to you....
......Whos there?


For my birthday I am wondering if I should get FF Heroes of Light or Dragon Quest IX.

I'm looking for a RPG that will keep me playing for quite a while (like 50 hours). Which one is the best as far as gameplay/replay value?



pie4prez wrote:

For my birthday I am wondering if I should get FF Heroes of Light or Dragon Quest IX.

I'm looking for a RPG that will keep me playing for quite a while (like 50 hours). Which one is the best as far as gameplay/replay value?


Dragon Quest IX because of the Downloadable quests they give each week.

I am the Wolf...Red
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@pie4prez - I can't really give you an opinion on FF4, but DQIX probably has one of the greatest replay values in an RPG ever. I've put over 200 hours into my game (beat that, Reggie!) and still going with a muffled enthusiasm. It's totally worth it.

My Birdloggery

3DS Friend Code: 2105-8643-6062


OK now thw question is, should I get Professor Layton and the Unwond future or FF: the 4 heroes of light. Im really not sure if I want a RPG or a puzzle

Man's worst enemy is laziness.


hulklol123456789 wrote:

OK now thw question is, should I get Professor Layton and the Unwond future or FF: the 4 heroes of light. Im really not sure if I want a RPG or a puzzle

I say just grab a Rubix cube on your way to the store to buy FF 4 Heroes of Light.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Birdman13 wrote:

@pie4prez - I can't really give you an opinion on FF4, but DQIX probably has one of the greatest replay values in an RPG ever. I've put over 200 hours into my game (beat that, Reggie!) and still going with a muffled enthusiasm. It's totally worth it.

What are some pros and cons of Dragon Quest IX?
I've heard good things about it but the only Dragon Quest I've played is Rocket Slime.


pie4prez wrote:

Birdman13 wrote:

@pie4prez - I can't really give you an opinion on FF4, but DQIX probably has one of the greatest replay values in an RPG ever. I've put over 200 hours into my game (beat that, Reggie!) and still going with a muffled enthusiasm. It's totally worth it.

What are some pros and cons of Dragon Quest IX?
I've heard good things about it but the only Dragon Quest I've played is Rocket Slime.

I suggest you take a crack at Dragon Quest II, then. The series hasn't really changed much since.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@pie4prez - Well, one of the big things DQIX has going for it is the addition of multiplayer, but it's completely optional, as I've put in over 200 hours into my game without a second of multiplayer. As for the cons, the story and characters fall flat, and there's that pesky level grinding that will occur sooner or later.

My Birdloggery

3DS Friend Code: 2105-8643-6062


Not to mention you never seem to have enough gold in the game so you will most likely be grinding for gold and or materials to alchemise for equipment. Still a solid game though. You can make your own team and build them up with whatever proficiencies you want.

Oh and don't expect this to be at all like Rocket Slime. Also a solid game, but Rocket Slime is completely different as a action/adventure game.

Edited on by JeanLuc_Vaycard



These is important, I need to choose 2 games from 4 games.

Basically I want 1 puzzle and 1 RPG, but not sure wich ones.

I need to choose between:

Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals
FF: the 4 heroes of light
Professor Layton and the Unwound future
Super Scribblenauts

What should I get?

I also have a eye on Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City but im not really sure.

Edited on by hulklol123456789

Man's worst enemy is laziness.

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