
Topic: What are you playing on 3DS? (2023 Edition)

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@Simon97 I think it increases as you beat the target time. I was up to 13 a day by the time I completed all the regular puzzles recently. I think it was level 10 training I got to, but could never beat the 2m timer to increase it any more. I didn't buy Picrites at all.

Don't waste Picrites on increasing the number of Pokemon slots or refilling your gauge too early in the game as it'll be a bit of a waste - can't remember exactly what it's called, but the gauge at the top of the screen that shows how many squares you can fill. As the puzzles get bigger it's worth spending some Picrites to expand that otherwise you'll find you only have enough for a couple of puzzles at a time.

I played the game pretty much every day for months - some days I did the daily training and nothing else because I needed the Picrites to open up the next stage of the map. Focus on opening up the map areas first by clearing as many puzzles in each area as you can while keeping an eye on the conditions for bonuses. Once all the map areas are open, go back and re-do any puzzles that still have missions to complete - you should have most of the Pokemon you need by that point. I left the Mega Evolutions until the end as the Mega Pencil costs 500 Picrites and I'd rather open up the map before spending that amount.

It's a fun game, but somewhat spoiled by the free-to-play mechanics. I would've happily spent some actual cash on a proper Pokemon Picross game without all that.



@Owl1 don’t care I can’t put this in the meme thread so it goes here

Wait, why do we need a signature? Eh, I don’t know. Here’s your signature.


Fire Emblem Fates
Robocalypse DS
Ace Combat
Gaiden DDD
Poke X/Y

Trying to enjoy all those little online features before they disappear. Like trading in X, battling in fates, gambling in smash lol.

Game over man!

N2dsXL FC: 4184-8977-2824
Switch FC: 1802-8430-4624


I'm playing Yoshi and Poochi's Woolly World. Good stuff!

~ Dr. R


-Rhythm Heaven Megamix,
-Crystal Warriors (Game Gear),
-Ironfall Invasion,
-Fire Emblem Birthright
-Mole Mania GB.
-Got back into Federation Force.

At least currently.

Edited on by SuntannedDuck2



I happened across a copy of Metroid Samus Returns a few months back.

I've enjoyed the game. But only had time to put an hour here and an hour there into the game.

I'm at 94% complete right now. Only have to get off the planet. ugh. LOL.

But totally enjoyed the game.

Probably ended up being one of my all time favourite games.

It's got me wanting to try Metroid Dread.



Yokai Watch 3 Tempura



@NintendoDad I can attest, as a fan of Metroid: Samus Returns (legions better than the original Game Boy release, though I enjoyed the original too), that Metroid Dread is even better.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


Currently playing Triple Deluxe again. But also have saves going for Superstar Saga, Yoshi’s New Island.

Want to get back to a few indies in backlog such as Fluidity, shovel knight, mighty Switch force 2..




Thanks for the info. Yeah, I am going to get Metroid Dread. It looks amazing. And it's the same developer.

As for the original (Metroid II The Return of Samus), I've given it a go here and there. But since I'll play, and then not get back to it for a week here and there, and there is no built-in map, I kept forgetting what I was doing. LOL. But I've got it on my 2DS (bought it before the eShop shutdown) and it's on NSO so I'm thinking of printing out a map and giving it another go. That and playing Super Metroid on NSO as well.

Oh, yeah . . . as for what else I'm playing on 3DS, I've dusted off my copy of Super Mario 3D Land. I finished the 8 normal worlds, but then I put it aside a while back to try out a bunch of other games. But I've put this cart back in my case to try to start the special worlds.

@NinChocolate — RE: Shovel Knight — Yeah. That is on my playlist. I started this game on our Wii U but never finished it. I downloaded it from the eShop before it shutdown. I'm looking forward to playing this game on-the-go. It is a classic! But got side tracked with Metroid Samus Returns.



I'm playing mighty switch force 2 after beating the first one and a kappas trail ( a really good dsi ware game)

The tanookduke strikes again!


What do you guys think I’m playing on my 3DS? It’s named on my description.

You only need to know about my many obsessions, which consist of Lego, Fortnite, Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox games, drawing on my Tablet, Dragon Ball Z, My Hero Academia, Thomas The Tank Engine, Star Wars, and Ninjago.


@NintendoDad It sounds like you're already sold, but there is a demo for Metroid Dread if you'd be interested.

Metroid II: Return of Samus was my first foray into the Metroid franchise. I got it for free by redeeming it through Club Nintendo in the early 3DS days. It's pretty rudimentary by modern standards, but it did enough right in my book to rope me into the rest of the franchise. XD I've now played and beaten most main series Metroid games, minus Federation Force. I've also tried but never finished Metroid Prime: Hunters.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31



RE: Metroid Dread demo . . . +1. Yes. I've got the demo downloaded. I gave it a little bit of a go. I'm going to spend a bit more time with it . . . but I'm liking what I've been seeing so far.

RE: Metroid II: Return of Samus . . . I can't remember how many times I started playing it. But I got such a bad memory that everytime I picked it up I kept forgetting what I had done and what I was supposed to do next. And I couldn't remember where everything was. LOL. But I enjoyed Samus Returns so much, its got me wanting to try M2RoS again.



Bunkerneath wrote:

On Thu 19th Jan 2023:
As I have been doing for that last few years, going through all the Picross games on it (completely hopeless at Mega picross if anyone has any tips) and hoping to get some street passes.
That is all

Going to Japan in November so still hopeful for my StreePasses, but still playing Picross, and still hopeless at Mega Picross

Edited on by Bunkerneath


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


@NintendoDad Metroid Dread is up there among my favorite Metroid titles. MercurySteam improved from Samus Returns. The controls and visuals are better (different platforms, so this may be apples to oranges) and better plot and characters overall. The E.M.M.I. sections were fine at first, but over time I found these less innovative and more annoying. Especially concerning one in particular (won't spoil it though).

I played Metroid II: Return of Samus at a point in my life where I could sink a lot of time into it here and there. There were times I got lost, but I recalled just enough that it usually wasn't for very long. I found it less confusing than the original game at any rate! Needed to use a walkthrough and online map for the original Metroid.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31



Thanks again for the info.

I'll see if I have some time to try my 2nd attempt at getting off the planet.

Probably won't get it tonight. LOL. For some of the patterns it takes me a couple of days to absorb the patterns.

But, yeah . . . I'm thinking of printing a map when I start up M2RoS again.

Take care,


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