
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Rumor and Speculation Thread

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@PikminMarioKirby the big Mario title teaser is possible if 3D Mario is cross gen, but that’s not something I can really say yes or no on. Mario Wonder DLC wouldn’t be a bad guess, they have some concepts they didn’t use for levels saved up, would make a quick release and you could do a new physical bundle for retail. My only thing with this direct is that it’s a direct that they’ve haven’t had as long to plan out as they originally thought. The past plans involved having the next console revealed by now, so that probably means whatever filler they need to put into it is stuff that is, for lack of a better words, been in storage or is being rushed together.



dmcc0 wrote:

That might be true for a parent that hangs out on a Nintendo forum, but I don't think this is true for the majority of parents. Anecdotal, but my nieces & nephews all have Switches and I'm pretty sure none of their parents checked out any game reviews - especially with regard to performance - before buying them. Their main considerations were "Kids want a console, Switch is popular, portable, costs less than a PlayStation, and they have loads age appropriate games".

I agree specific game reviews is a pretty minor part of the equation for most people, but I do think a lot of people dip briefly into 'review space' before buying a new console, similarly to how people might glance at some random reviews of products in a furniture store before buying a new table. If there is enough bad press, it will filter through into casual searches and start having an effect. I don't think it has really been an issue for Switch, but if the current trend continued I could imagine it eventually having an effect.

Most of the people I work with have young-kids and most of them got a Switch because it is family friendly, cheap-ish, they had heard of it and knew it was popular and well received, and in about half of those cases they noticed Switch had some games they could play after the kids had gone to bed (they aren't really gamers per say but we are of a generation now where a large percentage of people with kids played video games when they were themselves children, so the temptation to dip back in if the family is getting a console anyways is very real.)

I think the 'heard of it and knew it had a good reputation' is perhaps the largest draw at least from that anecdotal crowd. When I casually mention it, none of these people have any knowledge of rumours of a future Nintendo device. None of them owned a Wii U and most literally don't know what it is despite almost all owning Wiis at some point. It's actually kind of fascinating how little many points in the arguments in these forums would even be a factor for most of the people I know. Again, anecdotal, but I tend to think of those acquaintances as a sampling of 'typical' Switch owners, or at least much more typical than myself or other forum dwellers.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Also, wow, the forum went nuts while I was at work today. 😆

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot Yes Wii had some great games. Wario Land Shake It and Mario Galaxy 2 would be lovely, along with Kirby's Epic Yarn.

@NarwhalKing Yeah a big Mario teaser if kind of iffy. I think Nintendo has a decent sized list of unreleased but finished games, so they can be prepared for any 'drought' of games. Some of these games will probably be fan favorites, I assume.

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


Remember, majority of times, Nintendo has an insanely high selling console.

You thought GameCube was not popular? Well GameBoy Advance was selling 80+ million around the same time, and is still one of the best selling consoles of all time.

Wii U flopped? 3DS was there at the same time selling 75+ million.

Not to mention 3DS and GameBoy Advance are both essentially more powerful versions of their previous versions (DS and GameBoy respectively), and they still sold insanely well. This proves no new gimmick is necessary, just good marketing and good place in the industry, as well as a variety of well-polished games to entice both gamers and non-gamers alike.

Nintendo Switch's Successor doesn't need a huge new gimmick to sell well. 3DS and GBA prove it. Expanding on an original idea is always a good step, but only if done correctly.

Nintendo has almost always been in a place where at least one of their consoles were selling extremely well. They almost always used to have 2 consoles going at once. However, they have since combined.

If this trajectory continues, Nintendo Switch's Successor doesn't need a huge gimmick. It all matters about pricing, games, advertising, brand, and state of industry.

Can we expect Nintendo Switch's Successor to sell better than Nintendo Switch? That's doubtful. However, 90+ million isn't out of the question, considering how popular Nintendo is, along with boosts from amusement parks and insanely popular movies. The Mario-series Movie is releasing 2026 which should give a huge boost to the brand. 2025 has (I think) Super Nintendo World in Florida, which will also boost brand-recognition.

Nintendo Switch's Successor doesn't need a huge new gimmick to be popular, however it is determined by several variables. This console can still sell insanely well without a huge new gimmick. What did the Gamepad do for WiiU? Innovation isn't everything. Could I be wrong about this console selling well? Yes. Nothing is certain, although I do have a lot of confidence in Nintendo's next console.

Edited on by PikminMarioKirby

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


Yeah, most people are barely aware of new consoles until they decide to go out and get one. People do stuff like pick up a console just for one game release they're super into. Or because they're going on a trip and want something for the plane. Or they got a new TV and want to stretch it a bit. Or their kids birthday is coming up and they want to get them something

I think people on forums such as this tend to think of users as being like them. Pouring over every details, knowing the full ins and outs of every platform. And some certainly are. But for most people the console they end up buying is the one that was in that ad, the one their friend or family member recommended or the one the sales rep at EB Games said was good

The average user isn't going to be sold on anything but a simple message. And something like "Switch 2, plays all Switch games now upto 4K". Pretty simple

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


You've repeatedly made a point of ignoring the bulk of the post and instead choosing to attack small out of context snippets. Usually with an interpretation of them that goes counter to the main argument of what you were replying to. It's the very definition of a strawman

Also, this supposed "strawman" you've pointed at here that I apparently made? It was in reply mostly to this post you made here

BobLongRickTangle wrote:

The young family audience is by far the largest demographic for the Switch and accounts for a large bulk of the 110-120m units of Switch not sold to the core audience.

Nintendo will be asking themselves what the needs of this audience are over any other, so you need to ask yourself: Why did this audience buy the Switch in the first place, and would a more powerful version of the same thing be something that they'd be willing to shell out another $300-400 for?

I wasn't taking you out of context at all in that quote you have taken of me. I wasn't building up an argument you didn't make in any sense. I was saying that no, I don't agree. That Nintendo's primary goal ISN'T to convince people who just got a Switch to go out and buy another console. Nintendo's goal is both to convince these people not to buy into some other platform and also to capture any non-captured users and are choosing which platforms to invest in

In your specific example we're talking about a family console where power isn't a concern. With the launch of a "just more powerful" Switch 2 those people probably won't upgrade. Regardless. But where will they be spending their money instead? If they're not interested in power they're not buying a PS5 or a Steam Deck or a PC for little Jimmy. They'll probably just stick with the Switch for now. Buy more games for it. So again..... why would Nintendo be concerned about those people? Don't try and formulate an argument, think. Why would they be concerned about someone who isn't leaving their platform? They wouldn't be. Their concern would be when they leave what platform are they moving to. i.e.

skywake wrote:

Nintendo's primary goal isn't to convince people who have a Switch to get up and upgrade to the Switch 2. Their goal is to convince people to buy into their platform and remain on their platform as opposed to spending their money on other platforms

To be frank, @Bolt_Strike made a fairly decent argument for your case earlier. A case for why Nintendo might want some extra Nintendo spice to make their product appealing alongside a potential XBox or PS Portable. They may well be right. But personally, my view is that Nintendo is the incumbent in this space. Which is a view that's backed up by the Switch being one of if not the best selling gaming platforms of all time. And while it's in decline currently it's still a good ~40% of the console market

All they really have to do to do well again is not stuff it up. They don't need some whacky idea to inspire people who already have a Switch to run out and buy this new hardware immediately. They just need to release new hardware that hits all the same bullet points as the Switch but, you know, less outdated. And with of course new software which, ultimately, is what we're here for

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


I am making the argument in opposition to the view that the people who brought the Switch are not interested in powerful hardware and won't be willing to shell out another $300-400 for a more powerful version of the same thing

I'm saying no. These people probably won't immediately upgrade. They probably won't be the first in line to upgrade regardless of what the Switch 2 is. But that this is not Nintendo's main concern. What I am saying is that Nintendo's primary goal isn't to convince people who have a Switch to get up and upgrade to the Switch 2. It's a side effect but it's not their primary goal. Their primary goal is to convince people to buy into their platforms and for them to remain on their platforms as opposed to spending their money on other platforms

Someone who doesn't upgrade to the Switch 2 but is still paying for NSO and buying Switch games? This isn't an issue. And I don't think it really needs to be stated why this isn't an issue. The concern is that if and when these people decide that the Switch is no longer enough for them that they will buy something other than one of Nintendo's platforms. Or that people who are new consumers will look at available hardware and pick something other than one of Nintendo's platforms

I am not constructing some version of the argument other than the one that was being put forward. I am attacking the argument directly. But it seems that people are unwilling to engage in an actual discussion and would prefer to attack me. Based on things I haven't said and arguments I haven't put forward

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Marketing wise you want to capture a fair share of the enthusiast crowd. Most people in the market place are not like us at all but we are tastemakers in this market place who play a key role condensing the “winners” and “losers” from complex and highly nuanced arguments into a simpler “this is the best one to buy now” snaps.

A more powerful Switch isn't really necessary for the mass market - only in so much as it keeps the console in the hands of the enthusiasts and keeps our discourse positive. Most consumers won’t read our internal enthusiast discussions and arguments (& wouldn’t understand them anyway) but they do pick up on our general mood. That’s the power behind a Switch 2 - at least on day 1.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6338-4534-2507


The discussion of generations reminds me how parents were upset that their kid's NES didn't play SNES games.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

PapaGenos, who isn't really a formal insider but has previously reported reliable information on Metroid Prime Remastered and Super Mario RPG before their announcements, is suggesting that a game with Zelda as the main playable character is coming (look at the capitalized letters). I think he's only said anything not long before games are announced, so it may be at the June Direct, but it also could in theory be planned for the Switch successor

Edited on by PikaPhantom



The CD-i games were all the Zelda main-protag games we need.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@PikaPhantom Has he thought about what her gameplay would be like? Or is he simply thinking Link with a Zelda which case...what is the point lol.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@PikaPhantom I mean that could be one of this year's games. I kind of doubt it as I don't really see how this fits only a year after their last mainline game, I think seeing ports are more likely.

Also, for those who don't know the capital letters stand for 'This is a hint'. I've heard that PapaGenos knew a lot about NASB2 and something about Super Mario RPG, however I feel like PapaGenos has gotten things wrong before. This seems a lot less likely as this doesn't seem to have an imminent announcement (as the Direct is probably at least a month away). Maybe PapaGenos has some accurate sources and some who might be just guessing? Nothing against PapaGenos, but I don't think this is likely. Unless, of course, PapaGenos just knows about an upcoming Zelda game that's like a Hyrule Warriors or something and Zelda is more main in it.

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


@GrailUK Ain't his hypothetical premise. Either his source is faulty or it's not, and a Zelda-led game is happening


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