
Topic: How's Gacha Racing?

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How is it? It looks like fun, but did anyone play it yet?

Edited on by Freelance



It looks funny, you seem to get new cars and stuff in little capsules...

Though, I'm not too into racing games. So I doubt I'll get it.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Ooo that shouldn't stop you. I've taken the plunge on games in genres I don't like so much, and they turn out to be really awesome :3 Sometimes you have to take risks.

BTW, ignore everything I've just said. The last time I offered this advice to someone (and it was a free game too so that person had nothing to lose), the person I tried to help got mad and claimed I was 'forcing' her to play the game and that I was rude and she will only play games she likes, etc, etc. Like geez, this is why people don't help other people!!!! Please don't blow up in my face.

Edited on by Freelance



I'm feeling so forced right now I could just...


nah, don't worry too much. I coud end up buying it on sale or something, simply because I love capsule machines, but I'm really bad at racing games.


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Gotcha Racing is pretty Good so far. It is going to be a very long game where you race the tracks over and over and build cars up to defeat different levels of racing. I really like the gumballl machine build your car with better parts and combining parts to make that part a better part. I feel they should have got the Speed racer license for this game cause the game really reminds me of the old speed racer cartoons I watched when I was a kid. There are a lot of different cars in the game and some of them look pretty 60ish like from the speed racer cartoon. I have a feeling you will be able to put in at least 60 to 80 hours into this game building up cars. You can keep 4 pre built cars in your inventory for different situations with tracks and such. If you have a drifting car save it for drifting tracks etc.etc. now the bad........the top screen sometimes doesn't match up with the bottom screen causing you to hit the railing quite often. You can overcome this by learning where those spots are and you will cause you you will be racing the tracks over and over. I really like the game so far over moved up 3 levels of racing so far and I'm I'm level D. The driving is smooth and the graphics look real good for a top down racer. The only issue is the screens not matching up at times but you can overcome it. If I had to rate the game I would give it a 7 out of 10. I swear if Nintendolife rate this lower than Race to Line which got a 6 I'm going bust a artery in my head! Cause this absolutely blows that away. It's a good cheapy top down racer with decent graphics. Oh you race against from 4 cars to 16 cars on the track depending on what kind of race your entered in. So it has some variety.

Edited on by Windy

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


Freelance wrote:

The last time I offered this advice to someone (and it was a free game too so that person had nothing to lose), the person I tried to help got mad and claimed I was 'forcing' her to play the game and that I was rude and she will only play games she likes, etc, etc. Like geez, this is why people don't help other people!!!! Please don't blow up in my face.

For what it's worth, I take your casual mentions of games seriously. Maybe that's just because you like games I would like if I knew about them, but still. You've got taste.

@Windy: I was hoping you'd chime in on this game! You've been mentioning this one since that first trailer appeared, and I was secretly hoping to get some impressions before buying it. Can you say anything about the multiplayer yet? IS there even multiplayer?



@World: sadly there is no multiplayer. It does have street pass which I have no clue what the function is. But this is a single player experience so far. Unless multiplayer opens up later which I doubt. I'm huge on multiplayer gaming myself and will definitely miss it in this game. Hopefully street pass has ghost cars but really what are your chances going to be hooking up with somebody on street pass who has Gotcha Racing? I would love to see somebody expand on this formula though and implement Online racing and maybe also stick to say Formula 1 or Indycar type of racing. A game like this multiplayer could be huge fun.

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


I guarantee one thing about Gotcha Racing. It's going to have a huge amount of content as far as building cars up to move onto harder circuits. It will be a very long game that you will spend at least 40+ hours playing. I can just tell by what I have played so far about 12 hours.

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


Now when I was racing the beginner circuit I did spend a lot of time building up my first car (a Hummer) and well once it was built up real nice I had no problem at all beating any of the tracks in that circuit and the first 3 tracks of the next circuit. So I probably could have cut down on the Garage section and really blew through the beginner a little faster. But I like tinkering with the different parts they throw at you

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


By the way for you 3D nuts out there. There is no 3D in this game.

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


@Freelance: man I hate to hear your story about helping people with game recommendations. I think you should keep doing what you have been doing if you happen to like a particular game. Nobody is forcing anyone to play something by recommending games to people. Somebody got hotheaded with you. I always tell people to research it or play the demo if there happens to be a demo. But the end result is we made our own choice even off of someone's recommendation. You sound like a nice guy and I bet your just trying to be nice

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


@Windy: Thanks for all the impressions! This is definitely on my to-buy list now. I'll probably get it once I've beaten a few more of the games I'm playing right now!



@World: no problem at all. I was also thinking of getting the tank game but I think I'm going to hold off on a sale for that one if it gets a sale. Natsume is not known for putting up their games on sale very often. Not like Atlus anyway. I'm going to get back too Gotcha Racing I'm building up a car which looks kinda like a Mini Cooper

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


Thanks for the feedback, Windy. It's too bad you're the only one who bought it though. It reminds me of A-Train and other games like Railway Sim where only 1 or 2 people actually bought it. I didn't know there was so many cars in the game though. I thought it'd be just 6 or so. I may get it, but I haven't decided yet.

According to an article elsewhere, you can get ghost data from other people through SP, although the chances of people actually buying this game, along with several other games I have (like Aero Porter and Air Traffic controller), is rather slim...

Edited on by Freelance



Played a lot of Gotcha Racing today and have made it to C level. Difficulty has really ramped up on this level. So I went back to D and E to farm money for Gatcha Balls. There are 4 Gatcha Ball machines right now which range from 50 coins to 1000 coins to buy them. I'm going to bank about 20 thousand coins by racing tomorrow and do some serious shopping also every so often you will see a message after racing that a special Ball machine is available. Don't miss buying from that machine. It's actually free and you usually get a new car. I've only seen it twice and both times I got rare cars

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


It sounds like you're really having fun with it. Nobody's talking about it at all in other forums. The general consensus, based on what I've read, is that the game's been classified as 'shovelware.' That would explain the total lack of interest in this game. Even people aren't talking about it in Natsume's official forums.

Edited on by Freelance



I did get the game. It's fun for what it is. I'm sure once I can spend more time with it then it will improve. Right now I need wheels to drop and the only set that has were broken tires.



Wow that's sad if it's considered shovelware. I don't consider it that at all. Every time I play it something different happens, I either get a new car or new parts or open a new set of tracks. I'm just glad that it made it out and didn't get dropped. For people who like racing games I think they will like this spin on building your car. There is some luck involved and some frustration too. It really gets me when a part that has a 95 percent chance of combining fails. That happens lol and you just shake your head

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS

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