
  • News Ni No Kuni Trailer Shows Stunning Animation Chops

    Dream collaboration looking fantastic

    Since we reported that Ni No Kuni is coming to North America we've kept an eagle eye on the team-up between legendary animators Studio Ghibli and Professor Layton powerhouse Level-5. Now Tokyo Game Show has given us a new animated trailer to gawp at, and gawp we must. There's no in-game footage shown, but there...


  • News Help Professor Layton Find the Lost Future on October 22nd

    European release date and name change confirmed

    It's a double-whammy of release date announcement news for Europeans today, as Nintendo also rubber-stamps the next Professor Layton game for a release on October 22nd. Changing its North American name from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future to Professor Layton and the Lost Future, the game still...



  • E3 2010 Two New Professor Layton Mysteries On the Way

    One for DS and one for 3DS from Level 5 (updated with trailer)

    The first Professor Layton was a huge crossover hit all over the world, bringing non-gamers to the DS in droves, enchanted by its blend of puzzle and adventure in a rather whimsical shell. Last year's Pandora's Box was every bit as good, and now the saga continues with two more mysteries...


  • News Time Travellers Webpage Up, Debut Artwork

    Level-5 updates website with its new "suspense themed time-travel" game

    Following on from Akihiro Hino and Jiro Ishii's rather mysterious announcement of Level-5's new video game with a time-travel theme, we have the first piece of artwork of Time Travellers (via AndriaSang). The company has also updated its website with the g

  • News Level-5's New Game Linked to the Future in More Ways Than One?

    It seems appropriate that a game about time-travel should be for hardware that "doesn't exist yet"

    There's nothing more mouth-watering than respected game developers dishing out cryptic pieces of information regarding upcoming projects. Level-5 has given us some of the most enchanting games for the DS, notably the Professor Layton series, and it...

  • News Manga to Release Professor Layton Film in the UK

    Perhaps the Professor can crack the code for a good game movie

    The only thing worse than a video game based on a movie is a movie based on a video game, right? Sure, some are so bad they're good, but in our opinion, there really hasn't been a true high-quality game-to-film adaptation to date. Perhaps, though, just perhaps, someone may have solved...