This game was originally covered as part of our Nindie Round Up series that sought to give coverage to a wider breadth of Switch eShop games beyond our standard reviews. In an effort to make our impressions easier to find, we're presenting the original text below in our mini-review format.

'Cryptic' is the name of the game in this appropriately titled puzzler. As you’re thrust into an office with zero context and a plethora of things to touch, you’ll fiddle with switches, codes, and one big red button.

Using the information spread out across the room, as well as a bit of noggin power, you can get the equipment to do a multitude of cool things that lead to several differing endings. For example, simply doing as you’re told and sitting for a few minutes doing nothing earns you the peaceful ending.

The novelty, of course, comes from working out new and exciting variations of button combinations. If you’re a killjoy, you can always just look up a guide online and try them all out one after the other, but really, where is the fun in that? The magic puzzle-solving moment of euphoria feels all the better when your actions have hilariously dark outcomes. That said, this is literally all the game has to offer, so once you’ve finally figured out all of the different options, there won’t be much of an incentive to replay.

Presentation-wise, it’s tidy, though playing on the TV screen is recommended, as some of the text will make you squint when using the Switch's screen. The dimly lit room has an unnerving atmosphere that makes the loud noises of the buttons even more impactful. Rendering only one simple room also means that the level of detail is exceptional.

In summary, Please, Don’t Touch Anything is a fun single-player game to mess about with and discover all the endings, but be aware that it likely won’t provide much in the way of replay value.